I can't say I didn't celebrate in true birthday form. This was the first year that I wanted to hide in the bushes and forget about it all, but a great husband, great friends, and great family changed that thought real fast! William made it as special as it could be, and I had friends come from near and far to celebrate my day, and it all ended on such a good note with my family!
It all helped ease the pain of leaving my young 25 year old self and welcoming my older and wiser 26 year old self ;)
William made a great birthday cake ;)!
My sister-in-law also made me one amazing looking birthday cake!
Ladies and Gentlemen: She bakes...She makes adorable baby clothes... & She handles 5 kids....I give you SUPER MOM and I thank her for staying up till the wee hours in order to make my amazing cake!
Baby Kate oh how I love her! Don't we look related? HA!
Thanks for Reading!
628 More Days Until William Graduates
10 More Days Until OU Football <-----Game Day! OUOUOUOUOUOU