School School School
What have I been up to lately?........School...School...School...
For two people who hate school as much as William and I....
we sure do find ourselves back there a lot.....
"Justification for Higher Education" these words stuck to the back of my head as my mother hammered them in throughout undergrad.
Yes, ladies and gents: I am back at school...back at getting my masters.
As my brother put it: "I thought you liked having your weekends and evenings to yourself?" I me... I do.
Now, hopefully this is not as painful as undergrad was. I am actually interested in the classes that I am taking and I feel like this degree will take me places...i hope.
I still remember the day, my last day of undergrad. I had just finished giving my oral presentation for a research project. I exited the glass doors of Gaylord and the dry winter air loomed around me. Instead of shivering on that cold December day, I had a burst of warmth that flooded through me as I gave the biggest smile and thought to myself, "I. AM. DONE.". I could have swung around on the light posts, and sang "I'm singing in the Rain"...yea... that kind of warm bubbly feeling. I wish someone would have told me my future right then and there, so I could walk home cold and miserable...(a bit mellow dramatic...yes...I know). Now fast forward 3 years (I still can't believe it's been that long) and I am back roaming the halls of OU. So these days my head is stuck in smelly school books and I get to re-live the college experience.
I just hope I don't convince myself to get a Ph.D., then I really might turn myself into a Psych ward for going crazy enough to put myself through that...but we will see :). That is the thing about working for a higher education, you can easily get swayed to do crazy things like go back to school, especially after seeing someones name end with: MD, Ph.D., and DDS <----can you say over achiever?
Happy Friday!!
EnJoY sOme SooNeR FooTbAll aNd a sUnsHinY KiNd of WeEkenD......
605 more days until William g.r.a.d.u.m.a.t.e.s.
? more days until I graduate (again my fate is still to yet be determined :) )