January 4, 2010

Thank God for 4 Wheel Drive...Oklahoma Snow Storm 2009

Happy New Year!

William and I had a great Christmas and a very fun and happy New Years Eve.  I loved having the time off of work to hang out with family, friends, and most importantly have some quality time with William before his school starts up again.

William and I had a pretty eventful Christmas Eve, one that I would have never imagined.  And it all started with some snow!  We woke up Christmas Eve morning with something banging against our windows.  Needless to say we just thought it was some wind and a little snow, nothing we haven't seen before.  My mom called me and to tell me that there was no way she could drive from Norman to Edmond to spend Christmas Eve with the family.  I was pretty upset and understood that she didn't want to take the chance of driving up here in her small car.  William and I decided to go down to Norman and pick her up, so she could be with the family.  We definitely had no idea what was going on outside of our house and into the world of a true blizzard. 

The drive down to Norman wasn't so bad, William had driven through plenty of snow storms in Colorado, so he was more experienced driving in snow.  However, the drive back to Oklahoma City was true chaos and probably one of those things that you  truely have to see to believe!  We had some white out conditions where we had no idea what was front of us, there were no actual lanes on the highway just people weaving in and out of drivers getting stuck in the snow drifts.  It seemed like a movie, because people just abandoned their cars in the middle of streets, or on the side of the road, semis were stuck right by our neighborhood (one being a Clearly Organic truck...that I really wanted to loot) , and the highways were all closed.

So, after our 3 hour trip to Norman and back, we pushed 3 cars, and a truck, out of the way to get to our street (not to mention in 50 mph wind) and I had three minor panic attacks (William was so calm during the whole trip) we made it home safely! I am so glad that William has 4 wheel drive on his SUV, we got to make it to Christmas Eve at my brothers and all of the Christmas day activities on William's side of the family. 

Please Note:  These pictures were taken on my phone, so the quality is not great.

The"Before" picture of our yard.

My brave husband!

Very Little Visibility on the highways



When we got home from Norman, all the snow had drifed to our side of the street

Looking up our street

The "After" picture...the snow in our yard was knee deep.

Christmas Morning...what a White Christmas!

Happy 2010 to you all!

859 days until William graduates :)

1 comment:

  1. Love love love this! I may need to copycat you and start one (insert pic of the cat on the copier here)!
    I also love that this is what you & I are both doing at work :)
